SuperSTAR : Large Tables - SuperWEB2

If you attempt to create a table containing a very large number of cells, then SuperWEB2 will automatically enter "large table mode". SuperWEB2 displays the following message:

The Entering Large Table Preview Mode dialog

In large table mode, you will no longer be able to use the Retrieve Data option. Instead you can build the structure of the table and then download the data as a file.

While you are building the table, SuperWEB2 displays an excerpt instead of the full table. It also shows a message to indicate that you are working in large table mode:

A table with the message You are working in large table mode.

You can continue working with your table to define its structure, for example:

  • selecting the fields you want to include in each axis
  • choosing whether to show percentages and totals
  • choosing whether to apply zero suppression

When you have finished creating the structure for your table, select a download format from the Download Table drop-down list and then click either Go or Queue Job (the option will depend on how your system has been configured).

Go Button

If the button says Go then click to start downloading the file immediately:

The Download Table option with a Go button

Depending on your browser, the file will either be saved to your default downloads folder, or you may be prompted to choose whether you want to Save or Open the file.

For example:

A message that says Do you want to open or save table.csv from localhost and the buttons Open, Save and Cancel

Queue Job Button

If the button says Queue Job then this means your system has been configured to use the Job Queue Manager feature. This is designed to run large jobs in the background. Your tabulation job will be queued for processing and you will be able to download it when it is ready.

The Download Table option with a Queue Job button

When you click the button you will be prompted to enter a table name:

The Submit Table dialog with an option to enter the table name and the buttons Cancel and Queue Job

Once you have supplied a table name and clicked Queue Job, you will be returned to the Table View. SuperWEB2 displays a message indicating that your request is being processed:

The message Your request has been successfully added to download job queue, to check progress please go to My Tables page

You can check the status of your query in the Saved Tables page:

A list of Queued Jobs with the option to download completed tables

You can also log out of SuperWEB2 and come back later. Your query will continue running in the background and you can retrieve the results from the Saved Tables page when you log back in.


table-name.png (image/png)
table-in-lqm.png (image/png)
SW2-LargeTableMode.png (image/png)
request-added.png (image/png)
queue-job.png (image/png)
Large-Table-Mode-DL-Table.png (image/png)
JQM-Saved-Tables.png (image/png)
IE-Download-Table.png (image/png)