The Health Demand and Supply Utilisation Patterns Planning (HeaDS UPP) Tool is a new integrated source of health workforce and services data that informs workforce planning and analysis. It is currently being rolled out to select government and non-government organisations involved in workforce planning.
HeaDS UPP brings health data together to visually highlight how the community uses and accesses health services and the health workforce. It provides a single access point to workforce data from a number of datasets such the Medicare Benefits Schedule, Australian General Practitioner Training, Royal Flying Doctor Service Program, National Health Workforce dataset, National Health Service Directory and others.
You can see this data mapped according to geographical regions, such as the newly created General Practitioner (GP) Catchment areas. This data is used to better understand workforce issues at a local level.
Additional information is available in the HeaDS UPP Tool Factsheet.
The HeaDS UPP Tool
Source: Health Data Portal
A screenshot of the HeaDS UPP tool
HeaDS UPP will be available to a variety of government and non-government organisations involved in health workforce planning, including:
If you have any questions about the HeaDS UPP Tool project please contact the Department using the details below.
Contact details for the HeaDS UPP tool